Unique conditions.
Permanently in stock.

Avoid empty shelves or involuntary price increases and purchase branded products with conditional benefits at any time despite delivery stops from the manufacturer.

Trading on the longer lever

Improve your conditions not only in the future, but even retroactively?
You don’t have to fight hard for this competitive advantage. As soon as you have access to your desired goods at any time, you can sit back and relax during negotiations. Because from now on you have the upper hand.

When the price negotiation turns into a headline ...

Red numbers and empty shelves

Have you often had to accept involuntary price increases in the past due to failed negotiations – only to realize afterwards that you were at a disadvantage compared to your competitors?

Pressure from the grassroots

Are you experiencing more and more pressure from the grassroots and now fear that you will no longer be able to remain competitive and lose valuable customers due to the increased prices?

Threat of escalation

What started as a minor disagreement in a negotiation meeting could develop into an unpleasant conflict in the public media? Do you want to avoid negative headlines at all costs?

Improve your conditions (retroactively)

Relaxed negotiation talks

Are you constantly negotiating and never quite sure whether you’re getting the best price? Secure yourself an unbeatable negotiating position by having access to a neutral price comparison list at all times.

Top brands and full shelves

Do you want to keep your product range fully stocked all year round? Act independently of manufacturer bottlenecks and always have an ace up your sleeve for the procurement of branded articles.

Competitive conditions

Are you losing touch with younger buyers and don’t have a good relationship with manufacturers? Get access to our 15-year partnerships with retailers and established brands to secure the best prices and conditions.

“Partnerships in retail are like roots. Their strength determines how stable and sustainable you can grow.”

Time to trade

Over 20 years of experience in 20 minutes? Book your initial consultation now and let’s talk about how you can get branded products at any time and improve your conditions with manufacturers (even retroactively).

If you have any questions in advance, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

If you have any questions in advance, please contact us by phone or e-mail.